miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Liberation Theology: The Lefts Propaganda Dream Come True

First of all, I confess I am a Catholic, so in this article I won’t try to explain or debate the existence of God or the divinity of Jesus Christ because I already assume it. Rather, I want to quickly point out issues surrounding the Pope and the Catholic Church. So if you’re not a Catholic, I can understand your objections.

First, Pope Francis is the most misquoted and taken out of context Pope in history. Every so often we can see memes on Facebook, his picture, with a quote that was never said. Or when reading about him on a right wing or left wing news organization, they will use only the quotes that are more in line with the reporter’s ideology. This is why I always recommend reading about Pope Francis directly from a Catholic News Organization, also, read his full encyclicals instead of having to read it from a journalist who picks and chooses and whose purpose is to gain support on a political issue.
The Right, specifically Protestants, will use him to get Catholics to sway towards Protestantism, while the Left will use him to advance any secular ideology of the times. However, the blasphemy coming from the Far-Left is intriguing to say the least. It’s been so during the Cold War, and currently.  

In Nicaragua, the Virgin Mary made apparitions in Cuapa during the 80s to a man named Bernardo Martinez. Martinez recalled how Cuban social workers would go to his community and be astonished when Nicaraguans would say “Thank God I ate today”. The Cubans would correct them and say “In Cuba, we say thanks to Fidel we ate today. You should say, thank you to Thomas Borge we ate today”. This was and is always done with the purpose of praising a leader and a political party instead of God. Martinez also recalled how he was offered a bribe that consisted in land and cattle with the condition that he proclaim that the Virgin Mary was Sandinista. You could read more about that here 

Hugo Chavez for example use to claim that Jesus was a socialist, trying to use Jesus for political gains of his party (PSUV), justification for reelection, for centralizing and expansion of government power. Nicolas Maduro followed by making Hugo Chavez to be like a Holy Spirit, when he claimed Hugo Chavez talked to him and came down like a Bird, duplicating what’s described by the Gospel of John 1:32 in The Bible. He also tried to have Chavez’s body preserved (but failed) artificially, also trying to duplicate the miracles of the uncorrupted bodies of Catholic Saints. A quick Google search can fill you in that subject. In fact, the attempt to make Chavez a Saint by the Socialist party of Venezuela has gone as far as building a Chapel named “Saint Hugo Chavez” where they pray to him. (See image) They have even created their own version of “Our Father who art in heaven” (from Matthew 6:9) to “Our Chavez who art in heaven”. Of course this is all blasphemous and heretical by all Catholic Doctrine. 

Last year Ortega said “In order to get to Marx (Karl Marx), you have to get to Jesus” which reorganizes scripture for once again, justifications and political party gains. This tries to duplicate John 14:6 and many other passages affirm Jesus as the gateway to God the Father. In this example, Marx is being made the father or god. I could list at least 20 more examples of this kind and still fall short.  

Recently, the liberation theology movement started to gain traction again. The beatification of Oscar Romero (who did NOT believe in liberation Theology and often preached against Marxism as well as capitalism) is of course being used by the left and the right for the reasons I mentioned in the beginning of this article. The last two Popes, including Saint John Paul II preached extensively against liberation theology because it mixes scripture for justification and political purposes. It attempts to make Jesus something he was not, a type of socialist revolutionary, some type of Che Guevarra. Of course, Jesus came to preach salvation and to teach individuals how to reach eternal life through him. He did not come to restructure a political system.  Like Pope Bennedict XVI said “Christ does not propose a revolution of a social or political kind”. So it’s important for Catholics to do more research whenever we see Pope Francis being used for the political gains of an ideology. The Popes job is to evangelize, promote conversion and spread Christianity and its message throughout the world, and he is doing a great job on that.  Liberation Theology will never be adopted by the Catholic Church for many reasons, but a reporter for the Boston Globe said it best:  

“Attempts by the church to dictate political solutions end in disaster, among other things performing a disservice to the poor by reducing the social appetite for God. Preoccupied with secularism as he is, Benedict XVI knows well that rejection of religious faith in the West is, at least in part, a reaction against centuries of theocracy and clerical privilege.” –John Allen- 

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